
Johan Hybschmann . Book of Space

The inspiration came directly from the single shot film sequence 
in Sokurov's Russian Ark, where the camera is taken through the 
timeless spaces of the Winter Palace, jumping decades from one 
room to another. The distortion of time, is, of course, 
interesting in terms of the timelessness of the spaces - but I was
interested in the way that the camera never looks back. Even 
though the viewer never sees the full dimensions of these spaces,
 we are still left with a sense of coherence an wholeness. But 
what if the back of the room was mind-blowingly different? It's as
if we constantly use the previous space to create an understanding
of what should be behind us.

The book is an attempt to spatially prolong that perceptual idea.
Two different spaces from the film sequence have been cut into 
each half of the book, as constructed perspectives. When the pages
spread, the silhouettes of the elements visually collide, and the
space within the book changes in character as the user travels 
through it by flicking through the pages.
